
Best Screenplay
Shells is a cinematic work that transcends the boundaries of a simple film, turning into an ode to human resilience, love of nature, and the unconquerable strength of a mother who wants to protect her daughters from modern society.
The protagonist, Amelia, a woman scarred by a tormented past, decides to give birth to and raise her two daughters Sole and Flora in the quiet of the Umbrian countryside, without them knowing about the existence of society or other human life. Here, they live a life in harmony with nature, marked by slow rhythms and an appreciation of the small daily activities. Their existence appears as an idyllic scenario untouched by wickedness, injustice, or evil. Everything remains perfect, as predetermined by Amelia, until the girls encounter a peasant, the so-called “Gront” – the recurring monsters within society that Amelia warns them about.
The film is not just a story, but an introspective journey that unfolds between moments of silent reflection and flashes of suspense. Through moving flashbacks, we are catapulted into Amelia’s psyche, revealing the deep wounds that drove her to seek a new beginning away from pain and conventional society.



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